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Easy Hotspot NFC 1.0.2
Turn your phone's WiFi hotspot on andoffreally, really easily with Easy Hotspot!Once you've set up an NFC tag to use with Easy Hotspot,justunlock your phone and tap it on the tag to turn your hotspoton.Tap the tag again or click on the Easy Hotspot notification toturnit back off.In the spirit of keeping things as easy as possible, you cansetup any NFC tag with just a few taps in the app:1. Launch Easy Hotspot2. Tap the Easy Hotspot icon in the app3. Place your phone on the tag you want to use4. If the tag is not empty, Easy Hotspot will prompt youbeforeoverwriting it. If it is empty, or if you tap "OK" on theoverwriteprompt, Easy Hotspot will write to the tag, and you'redone!Put an NFC tag sticker on whatever devices you use yourphone'shotspot with for an effortless way to get your deviceconnected. Iuse a smalltag(http://nfctags.tagstand.com/collections/ntag203/products/type-2-nfc-ntag-wet-inlay-circle-25mm)stuckon the inside of my tablet case to get my tablet online whileridingthe train to & from work. If you're going to stick thetag onsomething metal, like the bottom of a MacBook, be sure touse ashielded tag, like one ofthese:http://nfctags.tagstand.com/collections/ntag203/products/mifare-ultralight-white-metal-proof-nfc-sticker-circle-30mm-diameterNOTE: Make sure the tag is under your phone's NFC antennawhentrying to read it to activate and de-activate Easy Hotspot,orwrite to it in order to set up a tag for Easy Hotspot to use.Thislocation varies depending on phone model, so you may need tomoveyour phone around a bit until it sees the tag. You'll hearyourphone's default notification sound when Easy Hotspot findsatag.What permissions are used and why:NFC - to scan the Easy Hotspot NFC tagAccess Wifi State - to determine if WiFi should be reactivatedwhenEasy Hotspot is turned offChange Wifi State - so that Easy Hotspot can turn your device'sWiFihotspot on and offInternet - for automated crash reporting